League Play during the COVID-19 Pandemic
For the safety of our League Members and the Walden Staff, please respect and abide by the guidelines and restrictions in place from the Governor's Executive Order, Walden Country Club and the CLGA League Chair as outlined below.
Walden Country Club 1500 Riedel Road Crofton, MD 21114 When? League Play is on Wednesday evenings between 2:30 – 4:00pm for nine (9) holes. Walden's LAST TEE TIME IS 4:00pm. Weather permitting, League nights will begin May 20th and continue to the Club Championship in late August. Some members continue to enjoy playing together after the Club Championship through the month of October as conditions permit. |
How do I participate?
CLGA members are responsible for making their own tee times. Tee times for League play can be reserved up to seven (7) days in advance. Tee times are available for CLGA League play from 2:30 to 4:00pm. Walden's last tee time is 4:00pm. Call the Pro Shop at 410-721-8268 to reserve your tee time. Do not use the automated scheduling system to make the tee time. When you request your tee time with the Walden Pro Shop employee, let him/her know that you are a CLGA member. You will be asked to give a credit card number to hold your tee time and your card will be charged when you check-in on Wednesday. Each week, before Wednesday, the League Chairperson will email a simple golf game to play. Gross score and/or putts and/or fairways are all that are required. Please take a photo of your completed course scorecard and email to Caroline Gaulke at [email protected] for scoring. For safety reasons, please do not arrive more than 15 minutes before your scheduled tee time or linger after you complete your round of golf. Additional precautions and restrictions to play at Walden Country Club during COVID-19 can be found HERE |
WEDNESDAY QUICK GUIDE: Call 410-721-8268 Let the Pro Shop know you are:
Weekly Winners
Scorecards will be emailed from all League players for that evening play. League night points are awarded as follows: 1 point for participating that night and 5 points are given to each of the top ten (10) players that evening. Weekly prizes accrue through the season and are awarded at the End of Season Dinner. Please note that the game score does not necessarily correlate to the player’s golf score for the 9 holes.
Points for each member are posted each week on the Members Only page for the top 10 winners. At the end of the season, the top 10 individuals who score the most points by the end of the season will participate in the Club Championship. In order for our members to compete equally in the Club Championship, member handicaps are used. This gives all our members the opportunity to be the CLGA Club Champion.
Scorecards will be emailed from all League players for that evening play. League night points are awarded as follows: 1 point for participating that night and 5 points are given to each of the top ten (10) players that evening. Weekly prizes accrue through the season and are awarded at the End of Season Dinner. Please note that the game score does not necessarily correlate to the player’s golf score for the 9 holes.
Points for each member are posted each week on the Members Only page for the top 10 winners. At the end of the season, the top 10 individuals who score the most points by the end of the season will participate in the Club Championship. In order for our members to compete equally in the Club Championship, member handicaps are used. This gives all our members the opportunity to be the CLGA Club Champion.
Charity Nights
Charity Night is a way for CLGA to give back to our community. Unfortunately, due to current golf restrictions, Walden does not permit shotgun starts or groups larger than 10 to congregate, so Charity Nights will be postponed this season. Club Championship The Club Championship will be played on TBD by the top ten League players as determined by points earned through weekly League play. Players are ranked one through ten and play nine (9) holes through an elimination process. The last player standing is the CLGA Club Champion for the season. |